Powerful Dua for Someone to Come Back to You 


Assalamalaikum my dear friends! Are you here in to find out how to get your love back in life with the help of a halal dua? If yes, then we ensure that you will find the right dua here. In this article, we will tell all about the dua to get lost love back and the dua for someone to come back to you.  

How You Can Use Islamic Dua To Bring Someone Back

The holy Quran consists of many halal wazifas and dua to bring someone back. This article summarizes the duas that will help you in getting your lost love back within a few days.   

If you wish to get your lost love back soon, you will get great help with the dua for love back. It is a powerful dua for someone to come back to you and love you more. We promise you that with the halal methods we are sharing with you, it will give you great results.  

If you want a dua to make you crush like you, you can read the dua to make someone fall in love with you. It is a great dua to make someone love you and have the same feelings you have for them.  

How To Perform Dua For Someone To Come Back To You? 

To bring back the lost love in your life, perform the dua for someone to come back to you as per the following steps:  

  • After performing ablution, wear clean clothes and complete the Isha Salah.  
  • Recite Surah Fatiha as soon as you complete the Isha Salah. 
  • Then, recite the 85th and 86th verse of the Surah Yunus 101 times.  
  • After the recitation, imagine the person you love coming back to you.  
  • Blow over their picture after you complete this process.  
  • Pray to Allah to bring back your lost love into your life soon.  

You have to perform this halal process of the dua for someone to come back to you for 11 days. If you have any questions about the process of this dua to bring someone back, do not hesitate in contacting our Islamic scholar.  

Best Dua To Get Someone Back In Your Life Stepwise: 

  1. You have to perform Dua to get someone back right after Isha Salaah. 
  2. Read Durood-E-Ibhrahimi seven times in starting and ending of process of this dua. 
  3. Then, recite “Ya Wadoodo” 2100 times. 
  4. In the end, imagine your lover and pray to Almighty Allah (SWT) to bring them back.

It is the best halal supplication to perform Dua to get someone you love back in your life. Insha Allah, within seven days of preforming Dua for Someone to Come Back to You, you will see positive results. Your lover will call you or try to contact you with an intention of reconciliation.  

You can use this dua to bring back your husband as well. You can consult Peer Muhammad Qadri to make your husband to come back to you with a customized dua.  

dua for someone to love you back

Most Powerful Dua For Someone To Love You Back 

To perform the powerful Dua For Someone To Love You Back, follow these steps: 

  • Ensure proper ablutions (Wudu) and sit in a quiet, undisturbed place. 
  • Recite Durood Shareef 3 times. 
  • Then, recite the specified dua in the image below. 
  • Repeat Durood Shareef 3 times. 
  • Make dua to Allah for the love you seek and pray for forgiveness and mercy. 

Recite this dua for someone to love you back for at least 21 days. It’s crucial to use this dua for pure intentions and avoid any harmful purposes. For guidance, reach out to Islamic scholar Peer Muhammad Qadri ji.  

What is the Dua To Reunite With Loved One? 

Praying to reconcile with a loved one may seem challenging, but in Islam, you can seek assistance through Dua (supplication). Making a sincere Dua to reunite with a loved one can address issues related to love. It’s crucial to pray with genuine intent, humility, and trust in Allah’s wisdom.  

  • Consider reciting this Dua during spiritually significant times, such as Tahajjud or the last ten days of Ramadan.  
  • Before beginning the Dua, perform ablution. 
  • Recite BISMILLAHIR RAHMAN NIR RAHIM 786 times on a glass of pure water, which should then be given to your loved one.  

If you want to reconcile with someone again, you can also recite the dua to bring someone closer to you.

Most Powerful Wazifa For Love Back in Islam

Are you someone whose lover is separated without any apparent reason? If so, we offer a powerful halal supplication to bring back your loved one. The effectiveness of the wazifa for love back is such that it can manifest its impact within just 72 hours. In matters of love-related challenges, the ‘Dua to make someone come back to you’ gives great results. 

To perform the wazifa for love back, you need to follow this process:  

  • Take a white paper and write both your and your lover’s names on it. R 
  • ecite Surah Al-Imran (3:147) twenty-one times (Ayat provided below).  
  • Blow on the paper and, finally, raise your hands in prayer to Allah (SWT) for your lover to return.  
  • Keep the paper with you under your pillow for 21 days. The provided wazifa for love back is: “Waa Maa Kaana Qawla Hum Illaa An Qaaloo Rabbanagh Fir Lanaa Zunoobanaa Wa Israafanaa Feee Amrinaa Waa Sabbit Aqdaa Manaa Wansurnaa ‘Alal Qawmil Kaafireen” [Al-Imran ayat 147].  
  • Perform the Powerful Wazifa For Getting Your Love Back for 21 days, and you will witness your lover seeking to reconcile with you. 

If you want personal guidance about performing wazifa or dua for love back, you can consult our Islamic scholar anytime.  

Other Articles that May Be Useful –

Dua For Love Back

Dua To Make Someone Fall In Love With You

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best wazifa to get someone back in your life?

The best wazifa to bring someone back into your life involves sincere faith and consistency. Perform the following:
After Isha Salah, recite Durood Sharif 11 times.
Recite “Ya Wadudu” (The Most Loving) 1100 times.
Recite Surah Al-Fatiha 7 times.
End with Durood Sharif 11 times again.
Pray sincerely to Allah (SWT) to bring the person back into your life with love and understanding.
Do this consistently for 21 days with complete trust in Allah’s wisdom, and InshaAllah, you will see positive results.

What is the best dua to get back lost friend in Quran?

To restore a lost friendship, one can recite the verse “Rabbana hablana min azwajina wa dhurriyatina qurrata a’yunin waj’alna lilmuttaqeena imama” (Surah Al-Furqan, 25:74) while praying for reconciliation. This dua to get a friend back seeks Allah’s blessing to bring comfort and harmony into relationships. Recite this dua to get back lost friend after each Salah with sincere intention. Ask Allah to soften hearts and restore the bond of friendship. Consistent recitation and heartfelt prayer can help mend the relationship.

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