Most Powerful Dua To Make Someone Fall In Love With You (Tested)


The Quranic halal Dua to Make Someone Fall In Love With You is an Islamic practice to kindle love in another person’s heart. In this article, we provide powerful halal Duas that has positively changed the lives of thousansds of lovers.

Do you desire to win someone’s love to make them marry you? We will tell you how to make someone fall in love with you in Islam? 

The Dua to Make Someone Fall in Love with You is a powerful halal prayer in Islam. With the help of this dua, an individual seeks Allah’s guidance and blessings to create love in the heart of the person they desire.

If recited with sincerity and faith in Allah, it can influence the emotions of individuals. This dua is often used when someone wishes to foster a romantic connection or deepen existing feelings.

how does dua to make someone fall in love with you work?

Experiencing unrequited love can be challenging for any man or woman. The Dua for making someone fall in love with you helps in getting your feelings reciprocated from that person. 

If you are interested in making someone love you and marry you, we recommend reading the entire article. Our Islamic scholar believes partial information may not be sufficient to get the best results.

The Dua to make someone love you is a potent Islamic method to capture the affection of the person you love. Numerous individuals have benefited from this impactful dua.

Follow The stepwise process of dua to make someone fall in love

  1. Begin with ablution to purify yourself.
  2. Offer your regular prayers with sincerity.
  3. Recite Durood Shareef 11 times to invoke blessings upon the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
  4. Chant “Ya-wadudu” (The Most Loving) 545 times with focus and devotion.
  5. Blow gently on a photo of the person you wish to fall in love with you.
  6. Pray to Allah SWT, asking Him to bring this person closer to you with genuine intention.
  7. Follow this method consistently for 16 days.
  8. If needed, consult a knowledgeable person like Peer Muhammad Qadri for further guidance.

How to recite Powerful Dua to make someone love you?

As we all know, the Quran is a book where our beloved Prophet Muhammad has provided solutions to every problem.

I assure you that the Quran contains the solution in the form of dua to every issue, including those related to love.

If your love is genuine and your intentions are pure, recite the Quranic dua to make someone love you given in this article. You can make any person fall in love with you.

However, if you do not read this article in its entirety, it is possible that the dua may not work, as this has been observed many times.

5 Steps of Dua To Make Someone Love You Madly

The steps to perform the Dua to make someone love you are as follows: 

  1. Start by making a fresh ablution. Wear clean, new, or washed clothes. 
  2. Initiate the dua by reciting any Durood Sharif 11 times. 
  3. Read Quranic halal verse of dua to get someone you love: Recite the verse from the Quran: “Subhanaka La Ilaha Illa anta Ya Rabba Kulli Shai In wa Waris hoo waa” 15 times along with Surah Fatiha. 
  4. Repeat the Durood Sharif 11 times and blow on a sweet. Offer the sweet to the person you want to fall in love and marry you. 
  5. Finally, raise your hands and sincerely pray to Almighty Allah SWT, asking for the acceptance of your wish.

Insha Allah, they will gradually develop love for you like you feel for them. If the results are slow, you can repeat the Dua to Make Someone Love You or seek our Islamic scholar’s help. 

How To Perform Wazifa To Make Someone Fall In Love With You

The Dua To Make Someone Fall In Love With You can be performed in 5 simple steps: 

  1. You can initiate this Dua to make someone fall in love with you on any day of your choice. Although, it would be best to begin on a Friday. 
  2. Make a fresh ablution. If you are already in ablution after a salah, it is not compulsory to redo it. 
  3. Recite the beautiful name of Almighty Allah, “Ya Waajidu,” 111 times. 
  4. After recitation, blow on a glass of water immediately. 
  5. Make the person you desire to fall in love with you drink this blessed water.

You may begin to observe results from the first day you begin performing this wazifa. If you don’t see the desired outcome, you can continue the process. Insha Allah, with persistence, you will achieve the desired results soon. Always remember that the Dua to make someone fall in love with you is a potent method, so use it with pure intentions to avoid any potential harm. 

What is the Dua To Make Your Crush Like You? 

The dua to make your crush like you involves supplicating to Allah with sincerity and humility, expressing your feelings and intentions. It is a halal prayer seeking guidance and assistance in creating a positive impression on your crush and fostering mutual affection.

It’s important to perform this dua to make your crush fall in love with you with genuine intentions. It is essential to respect the other person’s feelings and well-being. 

How To Perform Dua To Make Your Crush Like You? 

  • Perform ablution (Wudu) freshly. 
  • Recite Durood Sharif seven times. 
  • Read Surah Yusuf once. 
  • Recite Durood Sharif seven times again. 
  • Finally, blow on a sweet and have the person eat it. 

If you have any questions about performing any of the above dua to make someone fall in love with you, contact us. Our Islamic scholar Peer Muhammad Qadri will help you in marrying the person you want within a few days.

Also Read:

Dua To Marry Someone You Love

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