Powerful Dua For Love Back (Get Love Back From Someone)


Assalamalaikum to all my dear Muslim brothers and sisters, reading this article about dua for love back.

In this post, we are sharing with you the most powerful dua for love back. This halal dua from the Quran is completely legitimate and our Islamic scholar has brought this for your benefits.

There is no more need to search for the duas to get your love back. The only thing you need to do to make someone come back to you is to read this article and follow our instructions carefully.  

If you need dua for someone to come back to you, get in touch with our Islamic scholar. Our Molvi Peer Muhammad Qadri will help you in getting your lost love back in no time.

Islamic Dua For Love Back 

Looking for an Islamic solution to bring back lost love? Your search ends here at the dua to get love back by Halal Dua. Today, we will share with you the most effective Islamic remedy to regain your love. Recite this dua 103 times after the Isha prayer. 

يَا مُقَلِّبَ الْقُلُوبِ ثَبِّتْ قَلْبِي عَلَى دِينِكَ 

Yā Muqallibal-qulūbi, thabbit qalbī ‘alā dīnik. 

Why Do You Need To Perform The Dua For Love Back? 

It is very necessary to understand why one should perform the dua for love back. We have some reasons why people should read the dua to get love from someone before Allah:  

  • This halal dua seeks Allah’s guidance to mend and strengthen the emotional bond between partners. Whenever they face problems, it will help them find solutions together. 
  • It helps partners resolve misunderstandings and restore harmony in their relationship. 
  • It offers emotional support and hope during times of heartache and despair. 
  • This halal dua to make someone come back to you encourages forgiveness and understanding, essential for reconciling and rebuilding trust. 
most powerful dua for love back in islam

Stepwise Process of Strong Dua To Get Love Back 

To achieve favorable outcomes from this halal dua to get love back from someone, follow these simple 8 steps: 

  1. Ideally, initiate the dua after hearing the Adhan
  2. As a preparatory step, it’s recommended to drink Zamzam water, if available, though it’s not compulsory. 
  3. Position yourself facing the Qibla to align with the direction of prayer. 
  4. Ensure that the dua is conducted according to the principles of Islam, in a Halal manner. 
  5. Avoid resorting to black magic or engaging in practices of Shirk. Alwats maintain a positive mindset free from negative thoughts. 
  6. Proceed to recite the following dua to get love back with sincerity: 

“Allāhumma inni a’ūzu bika min ‘azābi jahannam, wa min ‘azābil-qabr, wa min fitnatil-mahyā wal-mamāt, wa min sharri fitnatil-masīhil-dajjāl.”  

  1. In case of any errors during the recitation, utter “Astaghfirullah” 13 times to seek forgiveness. 
  2. Maintain unwavering faith in Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala) throughout the process.

Guidelines of The Islamic Dua To Get Love Back From Someone

Follow these steps to prepare for performing the dua to get love back: 

  1. Begin by taking a shower to purify yourself. 
  2. Dress in clean attire to maintain a sense of cleanliness and respect. 
  3. Find a quiet and secluded spot where you can focus without any interruptions. 
  4. Ensure your intentions are pure, devoid of any negative motives, especially when it comes to matters of love. 
  5. Have unwavering faith in Allah’s blessings and believe that your prayers will be answered. 
  6. (For sisters only) If experiencing menstrual periods, you must not perform any dua.

Drawbacks For Performing Dua For Lost Love Back Incorrectly 

What happens when you perform the lost love back dua incorrectly:  

  1. Incorrect recitation may render the dua ineffective, resulting in the desired outcome not being achieved.  
  2. Each dua has a specific procedure to be followed as per our Islamic scholar’s instructions. Failure to adhere to this procedure might lead to the dua not yielding the desired results. 
  3. Skipping steps or not reciting every phrase correctly can hinder the completeness of the dua, impacting its efficacy. 
  4. In case of mistakes, it’s essential to seek forgiveness from Allah. Reciting the following dua 13 times can serve as an apology: 
    رَّبِّ ارْحَمْهُمَا كَمَا رَبَّيَانِي صَغِيرًا 
    Rabbir-hamhumā kamā rabbayāni sagheerā 
  5. It’s crucial to perform the dua for getting love back correctly and seek forgiveness if any mistakes occur during the process. 

If you need help about getting love back from our Islamic scholar, you can get in touch with him any time. You can call him or text him through WhatsApp.

Some Other Useful Articles –

Dua For Someone Special

Wazifa For Love

Summary About the Dua for Love to Come Back

If you are in search of a strong love problem solution for getting love back, our website is the best platform for you. Problems in a person’s love life are common in the current times.

Every person who is in a relationship faces some problems with their partner. These problems bring the fear of the love getting lost.

If you are worried about the same, we assure you that the Islamic prayer for love back will help you ease your worries. You can contact our Islamic scholar about the duas for boyfriend or girlfriend love back so that he comes back to you soon.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does dua for girlfriend love back work?

This dua for getting the person you love to come back is helpful to bring your ex-girlfriend back into your life. It is the best dua for you to bring your lady love back into your life.

What is the dua for boyfriend love back?

To bring your boyfriend’s love back, recite the following prayer with sincere intention:
“Ya Wadud, Ya Rauf, Ya Raheem” (O Most Loving, O Most Kind, O Most Merciful).
Recite this 101 times daily after any Salah, with a heartfelt prayer to Allah SWT to rekindle love and strengthen your relationship.

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